Joshua Su's Article in Health and Fitness

509 What Could Be The Possible Reasons For Emergency Tooth Extraction?
Emergency dental conditions do not wait for anyone. They are unexpected and can be extremely painful and inconvenient. Even the most reluctant patients witness a dental emergency.
Posted on Apr-06-2020

643 Things You Can do to Prevent Cavities
Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease in Australia.
Posted on Feb-27-2020

440 Benefits of Removing Wisdom Teeth on Time
Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that usually appear in your late teens or early 20s.
Posted on Jan-25-2020

679 How to Treat Dental Abscess?
A tooth abscess is a buildup of pus caused by a bacterial infection, and it can occur in different areas of your tooth for various reasons.
Posted on Dec-30-2019

401 How Teeth Whitening Works and How long do whitening effects last?
Achieving a brighter, healthy-looking smile is an attractive prospect for many people.
Posted on Dec-02-2019

565 Why should you visit the Dentist for a Regular Check-Up?
Visiting your dentist regularly is more beneficial than you may even realise.
Posted on Oct-23-2019

416 Do you know when it is Time to visit an Emergency Dentist?
Many adults wait until they have a problem before fixing an appointment with the dentist.
Posted on Oct-21-2019

470 Reasons To Have Regular Dental Checkup
Visiting your dentist every six months is one of the essential things for you to have a good oral health. If you are wondering about what is the point of having regular dental checkups and cleaning done by dentist in Parramatta, we have come up with the answer
Posted on Oct-03-2019

410 How to Take Care of Teeth after the Whitening Procedure?
Stained teeth are one of the biggest confidence killers. Fortunately, teeth whitening procedures gives you the pearly white smile you have always dreamed for.
Posted on Sep-05-2019

436 Teeth Stains: What You Need to Know?
Today spots of brown or yellow discoloration on the teeth are common among people. Teeth stains occur on the surface of the tooth or below the tooth enamel, and some people develop both types of teeth stains. These brown or yellowish stains will be awkward, and in some case, you will lose your self-confidence. But don't worry, it can be fixed with the help of a cosmetic dentist in Parramatta.
Posted on Jul-22-2019

480 Reasons Why You Should Not Postpone a Tooth Extraction
If your wisdom teeth erupt fully in the desired position and bring you no trouble at all, you don’t need to remove them.
Posted on Jul-01-2019

699 Root Canal vs. Tooth Removal – Which is Better Option
A common question among many patients is whether they should extract their decayed tooth or save them.
Posted on Jun-10-2019

516 Dental Implants | To Fill the Gaps
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, on an average Australians over the age of 15 have at least two missing teeth.
Posted on May-09-2019

494 Reasons to visit an Emergency Dentist!
Dental emergencies can hit anyone at any time and with no warning. In fact, a person playing football can accidentally end up knocking out front teeth, or someone on vacation can slip and fall chipping some of their front teeth.
Posted on May-09-2019

746 Dental Implant – Treatment Procedures
Are you feeling shame to smile or laugh due to missing one or more tooth? Then undergoing dental implants treatment will be the best possible solution for you.
Posted on Apr-11-2019

461 Dental Visit - What to Expect?
Visiting a dentist for the first time doesn’t have to be something to dread. Dentist in Parramatta helps you to maintain your oral health.
Posted on Apr-11-2019

482 Pulmonary Actinomycosis: A Lung Infection Due To Poor Oral Hygiene
A study reveals that oral diseases are the most common, non-communicable diseases that affect people throughout their lifetime, causing pain, discomfort, disfigurement and even death.
Posted on Mar-03-2019

530 Can Wisdom Teeth Reverse My Orthodontic Treatment?
Having a straight smile is everybody’s dreams. Orthodontic treatment helps straighten your smile and improve your bite over time.
Posted on Feb-09-2019

488 Will my Face Sag if I Miss My Teeth?
Missing teeth can result from many reasons, and the most common is because of a sports injury, an accident, gum disease or aging.
Posted on Jan-28-2019

703 An Overview of Toothache Symptoms and Causes
A toothache is no fun, and it can be scary when you don’t know the cause. In most of the cases, it is a sign that there is something wrong with your teeth and gums. You should never ignore toothaches, as it can create several dental problems if left untreated.
Posted on Dec-28-2018

677 Know the Importance of Flossing
Have you been flossing regularly? Well, for a lot of patients, the answer is not always yes. Most people make a point of brushing their teeth twice in a day, but only a few follow the recommendation to floss at least once a day.
Posted on Dec-28-2018

458 When should you visit an Emergency Dentist?
In the current era, there are all sorts of reasons to visit an emergency dentist. Be it our food habits, negligence to maintaining oral health due to busy schedules, anything can result in requiring the help of an emergency dentist.
Posted on Nov-20-2018

671 Early Warning Signs of Periodontal Disease
The gums play a vital role in keeping your mouth healthy. When compromised by dental disease, patients can find themselves facing oral discomfort and vulnerable to a wealth of potential oral issues.
Posted on Nov-08-2018

537 Answers for Some Common FAQs from Dentist Parramatta
More than half of all adults over age 30 suffer from gum disease, and the figure jumps to 70% of adults over 65. If left untreated, the gum disease could result in loosening of your teeth and eventually fall off.
Posted on Oct-08-2018

562 A Complete Guide to Dental Bridges!
With the advancement in the field of dentistry, there are numerous tooth restorative choices to improve your smile and confidence. Of those, Dental bridges are considered as one of the best options to replace a missing tooth or teeth.
Posted on Sep-06-2018